Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dream -um...Wake -uppam!!!

I saw this very weird dream y'day....can't stop laughing on it ever since morning, so i finally decided to write about it and "take it off my system", if you know what I mean....
So here I was being offered a job from this pretty decently placed company (FMCG), out of campus...somehow, they really wanted me, but equally somehow, it was a temp job! So anyways, I was still mulling over it incomprehensively when I hear my brother egging me on to accept the job (This just raised the Bizzare Quotient of the dream!)...Somehow I got to know that the rest of the family also approves my doing a small stint here....and I remember thinking, "Have they all flipped!? They are encouraging me to take up something which will give me around 10,000 pm and give up lakhs???"  Now where did these figures come from!?....but hey, its a dream! ;)
The scene changes...I am working with this company....I enter the building dreaming (!) of glass cabins, state-of-the-art infrastructure, suits, et al....I am in a black suit...
....and I can see the building has rooms (as in classrooms!) instead of glass cabins, 2-3 people in different rooms in the name of workforce and one (Repeat -- One!) early 2000's model of a computer stationed in one of those fibre computer cabinets!!!
Somehow on seeing me, the guys get down to some serious work...after staying there for a while, I come out of the room and am walking down the alley when I meet -- Lo and Behold -- none other than Aamir Khan!!!!!
(Seriously, Mr. Brain...What!!?...I mean, What!!?)
Anyways, back to the somehow (again) standing there itself, I become cognizant of the information that Aamir is somehow related to the same project for which I am also there ... Super! Except for the fact that the cat took away my tongue and my eyeballs were ready to pop out and do a Jim Carrey in Mask...
I want to behave in a dignified way...I want to let him know that I appreciate his work ... I want to build a rapport with him...I don't want to be a dork... I don't want to let him know that my tongue has turned into jelly and my stomach into a mixer-grinder... I am supremely confident of behaving myself...
" voice) I have done MBA from XLRI...(licking my lips) are Sir...Aamir Khan Sir.." ...and I realize I am showing my teeth like an absolute idiot -- what I am doing cannot be classified as "grinning" .... Grrrr... From where did the "MBA from XLRI" come!!?? Whatever happened to Mr. Supremely Confident?
I mumble something unintelligible ....and Aamir does what anyone in his place would...he held up a bunch of papers and said, "Er, right...I have some work to do"
And with that, he flashed one of his infectious smiles and walked down the stairs...
And that woke me up...with me feeling the embarrassment in real life, instead of the dream life!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Obituary...RIP Minu Bhai.

This should not have happened. Well, we always wish things like these to never happen, but this , definitely, should not have happened.
One of my cousin brothers, Rakesh Bhai -- Minu Bhai to us all -- progressed to the higher world on 5th September, 2012. Suddenly, without any foreward, warning, indication, insinuation...
One hears that he came home from office as usual, had dinner and was relaxing when he started feeling very uneasy. He told his younger brother of the same and asked to be taken to a doc. They went to a diagnostic centre (Mohan Clinic) owned (apparently) by their regular doc. He underwent an ECG, which showed he had suffered from a severe heart attack! To their --and now, everybody's -- shock, the centre did not have the life-saver drug to administer! That too, even though they have an ICU!! Now, I am no authority on life-savers in the case of an attack, but hello! They are a diagnostic centre! They should have had something to relieve him! They just expressed their inability to treat him...
Prudence overruled and they went to Woodlands Hospital, where they cites unavailability of bed. Same case in B.M. Birla.
Finally, he was taken to Belle Vue Hospital, but unfortunately, till then, our dear cousin was no more....:'( .
He was a person loved by one and bad habits, no speaking bad about anyone, let alone any untoward deeds...the worst thing was, when he passed away, neither his wife nor his kids were near him...but, in hindsight, I'd also like to say one thing, which not many like to hear...he went away in one of the best possible manner --- no suffering, no illness stretched unbearably, no trouble to family members to take care of him. He went away like he lived...smoothly, without making a noise. That's how I'd like to go too.
We will miss you Minu were a boon to the family. May the Almighty give rest to your soul. May you smile down upon us from Heaven.