Just look at the amount of debate that is going on everywhere about who should be the next PM of India!! Even more astonishing...just look at the level of stupidity people will stoop down to just for the sake of debating who might prove to be a better PM -- Rahul Gandhi (RG) or Narendra Modi (NaMo) !!
I know there is a lot of heat in the political circles regarding this issue and which is PERFECTLY FINE.....for they are the people in the know about a lot of facts which the common masses aren't. Rahul Gandhi may not have any political achievements to show off. In fact, he might not have ANY achievements in his life to show off. But, he did achieve one thing which no one else other than his sister could achieve -- being born a Gandhi in the famous Gandhi family. So there are grounds why he can become a PM. He is also more articulate, less stoic, more young and less likely to tow his mother's line all the time (assuming that he is like most kids! ;) )...so on most counts, he might turn out to be better than the current PM. (Please note that the pun in the above sentence bares my confusion over the matter! :P )
However, there is a reason why I find the debate among the common masses to be stupid. Because, they are the ones who can actually "feel" the impact of any politician/leader's work. My question to the general masses is -- have you felt any impact - let alone positive impact - of RG's work!? Wazzat you say.....what "work"!? EXACTLY.
On the other hand, everyone has seen the impact of NaMo's work. Today, Gujarat is in the top 3 states of India (in the league of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu) in terms of overall growth. Once you know this, there is no reason to go into the nitty-gritties of industrialization, tourism, etc. etc. because no state can prosper so much without holistic development.
Have you ever heard of RG vocalizing his vision for even his party?? No. He is a PM-hopeful who has never laid down a Vision-Mission for his party in public; you expect him to have a vision for this country of 1.2 billion + ??
On the other hand, NaMo lays out his vision of Gujarat - and what his team of aides have envisioned freely and openly in every forum that he gets an opportunity to do so. And he has the capacity to see them through. I am aware that there are a lot of stories going on in the media about his fudging a lot of growth stories.....but my contention is very simple --hey, what's the worst case scenario - 5 out of 10 of his claims are false? Can't be. The cat would have come of the bag way earlier then. So shall we say 5/10 claims are exaggerated? Do I hear an acceptable OK? Cool, we'll tow this line. So, a lot of his claims are exaggerated. By exaggeration, we mean that he would have achieved 1 and claimed to achieve more than 1.
If you'll sit back and ponder for a while my friends, and take your thoughts on a state-by-state journey, you'll come to understand that it is still a superb achievement to have a positive 1 being created by any CM in India!!! Coupled with this, since we we already agreed that the other 5 of his claims are not exaggerated but real, I think we have a clear picture in front of us!
For, if you keenly observe Modi's style MO, you'll notice that he runs his state like a businessman would run his business, like a CMO would be thinking about his product lines, strategies, sales, branding, etc., like a CFO would think about shareholder wealth maximization, like a CTO would think about maximizing the smoothness of ops through his contributions. Like a CEO, who will get an irreplaceable high by seeing his company move forward. Like a man would protect and take care of his family. Like a mother would raise her child.
Don't compare RG to Modi. He has not gone through so much in his political career to be able to withstand it. And don't degrade Modi by comparing him to a child-in-comparison.