Friday, February 14, 2014

Just Thought...

- Every woman...and man is vulnerable and capable of being manipulated. You just have to impress them enough, show that you are "above" them mentally. Modulate them so they will let their guards down in front of you. Learnt it the hard way that the ability and willingness to do this is inherent in some.

Weird....and I thought relationships were meant to be nurturing grounds where both/all parties gave willingly to bring out the best in each other.

The Big Fat Indian Weddings!

Am a big believer in big fat weddings....lots of functions, bright mornings, colorful and musical evenings....lots of rituals, etc. etc. not a romantic! Far from it....sheeeesh, man! My reason for the fondness stems from the moolah Indian weddings create/rotate in the economy...that's how most of us earn our living!

Don't agree? Are you one of those who believe in frugal weddings and lavish international honeymoons? Ok then....Imagine this..

Indians have stopped having lavish weddings as a general rule. So, when it comes to clothes, the families of the bride and the groom don't pull out all stops in their purchases. Since wedding purchases form a significantly considerable chunk of the sarees and suits industry, it means there will be no spikes in the yearly sales, which is the case right now for approximately half the year.

Indians are also used to renovating their houses during weddings. Wedding is an event to show-off and make impressions and the bride's family judges the groom's family's Haisiyat by the show of the house (vice-versa is also true in some cases, but mostly, the girl's family will be critical in judging the guy's house as an indicator of his wealth as they feel it is a significant indicator of their daughter's happiness post the traumatic event called marriage! ;) ....humbug, you say!? Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, my friends!)

Anyways, lavish weddings, no sho-sha ....and therefore, no big plans to renovate the house...only the wedding couple's bedroom, maybe...hmmm, ok? a major cut-down in the interior decoration expenses. So that industry is also maimed.

Similarly, the flowers and decoration industry, which relies a lot on the marriage season, will take a hit. So will the gifts industry. Who will buy all the microwaves, refrigerators, watches, gold, silver, utensils, etc.!?

Not only that, the invitation card industry, which is a low-margin but high quantity industry, will take a major major hit. So will all these rent-a-car people, who depend considerably on weddings.

What will happen to all the grand marriage venues? Obviously, people who want to cut down on the sho-sha will not want to spend too much on fancy, will it be advantage 5-star hotels? (I believe most youngsters today want to have a small gathering at a "branded" fancy venue, so that at least those who attended might elevate their perceived status in their minds. Moreover, today's youth is more inclined to spend on themselves than on what their folks might think is "necessary". And who wants all those clingy and irritating relatives and distant cousins at weddings, right?

"No Lavish Functions! Once and for all!! one is bothered about the function....everyone only wants to come to nice places, oogle at each other and the lovely flower decorations which have burnt a hole in our pockets unnecessarily and eat all the delicious food!! We don't even know most of them, and are least interested in knowing them also!" ~ modern boy and modern girl to their respective parents.

This... "Americani-sation" or "Christiani-sation" of Hindu weddings is what baffles and disappoints me the most. After all, how will the economy be able to take a hit of thousands of crores? More specifically, what will happen to me? ;) ;P

Saturday, February 1, 2014

ENFP/ENTJ ... Mirror, Mirror!...Mirror, Mirror?

I'm following this question on Quora on MBTI and decided to do the inventory via the link given in the question. Did this yesterday or day before in the morning. What do I get? An ENFP.

Hmmm....though I have taken the inventory earlier in XLRI (in the OB class), I couldn't remember the exact description (it's been some time now) I decided to look it up. ENFP - The Inspirer, it said. Yay! ;) Read the article, felt good about myself (can't LOL enough on this thought!) and went to office...

Just out of curiosity, I decided to take the test again at night....the underlying thought being that I had got an ESTJ when in college. Anyways, I believe that a person's personality undergoes a lot of change with change in his/her environment. For the most part. Sometimes, one is able to change the environment according to or with the force of one's personality. All Aquarians are nodding their heads. All their heads.

Anyways, so I took the test again. What do I score this time? ENTJ. The Executer and Leader. Though, to be fair, the Thinking dominated the Feeling by a mere 1%. Shockingly, though, the Judging preference dominated the Perception by somewhere around 44%!

What could bring about the change from ENFP to ENTJ? Did I not take the test properly in the morning or at night? I don't think so.... I answered in all honesty both the times.

So what happened...? Was it a day in the office that brought about a change in the thinking pattern during the day and thus influenced my answers? From an FP to TJ? Was it the blood pressure? :P

Or does it merely reflect on the fact that no matter how strong the inventory, it can't give a 100% accurate result?

Or does it expose and prove the most deeply ingrained truth in the universe -- that the only constant in this world is Change?