Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's in an "About Me" Anyway?

I really can't get myself to write on this one topic..."About Me" ...and like the mad street dog that you're really scared of, this question keeps popping here or there everytime I sift my eyes on a this one too...I realized that at some point in time, I had filled the "About Me" section on this blog too...don't know what crept into me that I read gosh! what a loser of an "About Me" that was!! Not that the current one is going to send flutters down anybody's stomach on reading this about me ;) ...But, honestly, what should I write here?

Which takes me back to my teenage those days, like a lot of other teenagers, I too underwent a phase of introversion...that feeling of being a misfit in every circle...I mean, there is this one time when one is neither fully accepted in the grown-up circle nor does one feeling as child-like as one used to a couple of years ago (remember that feeling of "ab main bachcha nahi reh gaya" thomping in the head 24*7??) ...

So, at that time, I had - painfully and over time - made an "About Me" ! which went --

Who Am I?

I am Me. Myself. The sum of all that I think, do and react to. I am also the sum of all that I don't do or react to. I am You, Him, Her and Them. I am your mirror. I will be as you are. To me and to you.

Duh!! Sometimes, I I moving forward in life or backward? Or is it just that I had time then and not now? (Psst! I think the second one is just a lame excuse for the lack of inclination!!!)...Lol...but I think that this small piece from the past is better than any of the ones that I try coming up with today ;)

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