Sunday, January 18, 2015

From Prof. Mohanty's blog...

Was just going through his blog; these are all old posts. He hasn't updated his blog or the blog on his website in approximately 5-6 years now.. what a shame! I used to enjoy reading his thoughts... it's not common to come across your prof's personal thoughts..

Anyways, so I was reading this particular article and came across this thought that inspired him - He had started following Sathya Shri Sai Baba's advice of looking at the teacher-student relationship as a mother-child relationship and helping the child come to her by picking it up, rather than expecting it to come to her all by itself...

Come to think of it, this is what is required of all us in all walks of Life. If you want Success, you have to buck up and go get it; it will do zilch to come to you.

If you want Peace, you have to work towards dealing with adverse situations differently than you are probably doing right now. Peace will probably laugh in your face from a distance if you start crying and treat it as the mother who'd come and pick you up.

Happiness is another stubborn child. It will, in fact, test your perseverance when you go to pick it up. It will also send it's twin, Sadness, to block your way just to see how much you love it.

Having said that, it's not always in the mother's hand to go pick up it's child when she wants, innit?

1 comment:

  1. believer ru bloody mary about you at school hurt girl is hurt take the hospital coma better
