Thursday, August 19, 2010

In God We Believe

Why do people worship God so much in such a ritualistic manner? Why do people try to “own” God? Don’t they realize that God Himself might not have wanted them to try so hard to please Him, but actually wanted everyone to behave nicely with other people? That He wants His children to remember Him, but not in a manner that their beliefs about Him hurts someone else’ belief too? Whether you believe in any form of God, what is the need to be so possessive about your beliefs that you are able to ignore the other aspects of a person just because he/she doesn’t share your beliefs or share the intensity of your beliefs? Isn’t that actually going against the Will and Command of God?

People think that holding on to one’s beliefs about a particular form of God is going to help them attain salvation (in the least and after Life), but do they realize that they are so far away from reality? Only one’s Karma is going to lead one to salvation. And that’s the rule God has made for all living beings. Period. Sitting in front of God and taking his name a thousand times is (probably) going to purge one’s sins, but – to me – it is not going to lead one to salvation. If that was the case, then the Gita and Bhagwad would not have emphasized so much on Karma. Instead, they would have just preached to take His name throughout the day and our Lives so that we attain salvation. In a very strange way, this seems to be the only thing people are interested in eking out of religion. Nobody ever focuses on the other things that our texts have to offer, like sad-acharan (Good Behaviour) and sad-vichar (Good Thinking)…even I am no authority in these matters, but even I know this much.

Huh! Hypocrites! They want to “attain” God…by being dogmatic in their religious beliefs! Do they even realize that God is in Love, Flexibility, Good Behaviour, Tolerance…God is in our Will to keep others around us Happy and Productive.

Don’t try to “buy” God by chanting His name a thousand times, guys. Just care for the God in everyone and He will Love you. If you get His Love, you will have the best out of your Life. And that itself is Salvation.

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